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The completeness of the site is protected by the French and international legislations relative to the intellectual property. All the reproduction rights are reserved, including for the downloadable documents. All the texts, graphics, icons, pictures, drawings, logos, videos, sounds, brands… According to the article L122 any elements composing the site and the site itself cannot be the object of any representation or reproduction, complete or partial, whatever support it is, without the express and preliminary authorization of the owners. The failure to respect this ban constitutes an act of forgery which can engage the civil and/or penal responsibility of his(her) author. The owners reserve the right to commit legal proceedings against every person who would not have respected this ban. Also, it is strictly forbidden to use or to reproduce the name ” CITERNE INCENDIE ” in any respect whatsoever and whatever support it is without the preliminary and written agreement of the owners.
Information communicated on the site is supplied for information purposes, they are not contractual and would not engage the responsibility of the owners. They can be modified or updated without advance notice. The owners also reserve the right, at any time and without advance notice, to drive improvements and/or modifications in the site. The responsibility of the owners could not be committed for:
Any kind of damages, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of the site in particular any operating loss, financial or commercial loss, loss of programs and/or data in particular in the information system of the user.
Any kind of damages, direct or indirect, resulting from the contents and/or from the use of web sites bound to the site or in which the users could have access via the site
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